Short answer: NOCC stands for Northern Ontario Carb Clinic; the grandaddy of them all -- the oldest continuously
running Carb Clinic.

Descriptive answer: The NOCC is an annual gathering of Yamaha XJ series motorcycle owners and former owners.

It's a cross between a mechanical seminar and a social function. While the original focus was on carburettor
adjustment, it quickly grew to include just about any maintenance or repair task that could be done in an afternoon.

It's a place where those with the tools and knowledge share them in person with those that do not. Most attendees
quickly progress from "watch" to "do" and on to "teach".

The main day is the Saturday of Father's Day weekend (one of the longest days of the year), with guests arriving as
early as Friday afternoon and leaving as late as Sunday morning. There are some guest beds available, plenty of
space for tents on the beach, and many motels/hotels in the area for long distance travellers.

It's also a social function, where XJ owners bring their wives and children to get together with fellow enthusasts
for a BBQ on the shores of beautiful Lake Waseosa in the world-famous cottage district of Muskoka, Ontario.
After all the tuning is done, we head out on a group ride of the region's picturesque roads.